The Marae Experience

A marae is a community center for the Maori, the indigenous people of New Zealand. It is a place where the Maori gather for celebrations and events, and to honor their ancestors.

As we walked up to the marae, we were greeted by their female chief leader, Wendy, who sang a traditional song to greet us. The girls entered first, then followed by the boys. The ceremony then proceeded with more traditional songs introducing us to the beliefs of the Maori. We then shared our breath of life with those who greeted us, by touching noses. This is their way to show that we are not an enemy and that we mean no harm. To close the ceremony we shared a snack of scones and cookies with them. Then we set up our sleeping quarters for the next night.

We played a variety of games that evening including tanks, trust falls, manhunt, fishbowl, and football. The laughter and smiles we shared were thought to bring life to the building and joy to the ancestors watching down on us.

Now we’re off for our sailing adventure, so stay tuned for more upon our return!

— Zack & Katelyn